Cinque Terre

Shoniyozov Shavkat

Graduated Woosong University

Download Resume

Interest Areas

  • Data Visualization
  • Image Classification
  • Prediction


Woosong University
Bachelor, Endicott College of International Studies
2018 - 2023

Payshanba Vocational College
Computer Engineering
2015 - 2018


  • Pneumonia chestx-raycheckerapp:
    • Algorithms: CNN, ResNet, GoogleNet.
    • Description: The model classifies the chestx-ray images intonormal and pneumoniacases.

  • Ticket price prediction of domestic Indian flights:
    • Algorithms: LinearRegression, DecisionTree, RandomForest, KNN.
    • Description: The model can predict the ticket price of given airlines in Indian domestic flights.

  • Airline Passenger Satisfaction:
    • Algorithms: DecisionTree, RandomForest, SVC, XGB, KNN, LinearSVC, LogisticRegression, NaïveBayes, LinearRegression.
    • Description: Based on several categories of information, the model predicts the passenger satisfaction from the Airline.

  • Bank Loan Decision Model:
    • Algorithms: CNN, Tabular.
    • Description: Apredictive model top redict if an applicant is able to repay the lending money to the bank or not.



Python • PostgreSQL • LiteSQL

Word • Excel • PPT

Tableau • GoogleAnalytics

Pandas • NumPy • Scikit-Learn • TensorFlow

PyTorch • Matplotlib • Seaborn • Fastai


Uzbek – Native

English – Professional working proficiency IELTS 7.0

Korean – Limited working proficiency 사회통합프로그램 – 3단계